Winter Wonderland – Ladies Conference – December 6th & 7th, 20243
Our theme this year is “Walking In A Winter Wonderland”
$25 – Ladies
$20 – Girls (4th – 12th grade)
Guest Speakers:
Mrs. Amy Vassak
Mrs. Francie Taylor
Mrs. Molly Audiss
Friday: Doors Open at 5pm for Registration
Friday Evening Session starts 6:00 PM – Cookies and Hot Chocolate will be served following the evening session.
Saturday Morning Sessions start at 9:00 AM – Lunch will be provided. You can stay and eat in our fellowship hall, or take it with you and head home.
Winter Wonderland Shopping Mall – Once again we will have tables set-up in our fellowship hall so that you may sell items to the delegates. The price is $10 per table, or you may share with someone for $5 each. Please call Mrs. Paula in the church office to sign up for a table as soon as possible, as space is limited this year.
**You must be a registered delegate and attend all sessions to have a table in the “Mall”. You may come on Friday after 4:00 pm to set up your table. The fellowship hall will be open for the delegates to shop before every session, during breaks, and after every session ends. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Paula St. Amour at the church office. Thank you.
For a printable poster, please click here
For the group registration form, please click here for page 1 and here for page 2
For the individual registration form, please click here
You may pay my cash, check or by credit card. you can print the payment form here and mail it with your registration.
Upcoming Conferences:
Young Fundamentalist Youth Conference – April/May 2025