Metro Baptist Schools
Our Purpose
The purpose of Metro Baptist Schools is to educate and train the whole student – physically, intellectually, and spiritually. Because the Lord requires a fit vessel, guidelines for personal habits, definite dress codes, and proper leisure time activities are provided. The Student is also provided the opportunity to learn self-discipline and the principle that if one cannot control his own actions and emotions, invariably someone else will control them for him. He must honor the rights of others and respect manners, rules, and laws, all of which were created to preserve his freedom. Not only must a young person’s appearance and actions reflect the Lord Jesus, but he must also have wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to serve the Lord in the task He would choose. Therefore, the Bible is not substituted for any academic subject, but is integrated into the total educational program. The Bible is taught so the student will develop sound values that will govern every step in life. The goal of the Principal and teachers of Metro Baptist Schools is to graduate young people who desire to serve God throughout their lives.
Interested in Enrolling Your Child?
Call 734-699-0529
email: metrobaptistschool@hotmail.com